Top 5 Cancer Screenings That Should be on Your Radar in 2024
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When Rachel Guberman found out she had brain cancer, she did so much reading and Googling about the disease that she joked she had reached the end of the internet.
From 2000 to 2021, the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) population in the US doubled to 24 million people.
On a recent weekday, I stood in front of a phone-booth-sized box—seven feet tall, four feet wide, and two feet deep—talking to a life-sized, three-dimensional image of a doctor who was 2,000 miles away in Tennessee. This wasn’t a Zoom call: It felt like he was in the room.
Although advancements in treatments for small cell lung cancer (SCLC) are scarce for this aggressive cancer type, recent regulatory developments and trial results indicate that we are on the precipice of a new era for patients and providers alike.