Nutrition Through the Cancer Journey

March 12, 2025, at 12 p.m. EST

April Rozzo, MS, RD, CSO, LD/N, the clinical nutrition manager at Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute, will join Rose to talk about the importance of crafting personalized dietary recommendations for patients with cancer and survivors at all stages of the cancer care continuum.

Previous Advocacy Chats

Each month, a special guest joins COA’s Director of Patient Advocacy & Education, Rose Gerber for a conversation on oncology and advocacy-related topics.

A prepared advocate is an effective advocate. That’s why COA and CPAN are working to provide advocates with the latest information on policy changes. As a new year begins, ensure you have the tools and knowledge you need to advocate for local, affordable cancer care.

View all past chats with full video playback, notes, and session slides.

Previous Advocacy Chats

Each month, a special guest joins COA’s Director of Patient Advocacy & Education, Rose Gerber for a conversation on oncology and advocacy-related topics.

A prepared advocate is an effective advocate. That’s why COA and CPAN are working to provide advocates with the latest information on policy changes. As a new year begins, ensure you have the tools and knowledge you need to advocate for local, affordable cancer care.

View all past chats with full video playback, notes, and session slides.

  • Caring for the Caregivers: Supporting the Families and Friends of Patients

    December 8, 2021 12:00 pm

    John Schall, MPP

    As a chronic disease, cancer affects more than just the patient. Treatment and recovery require the efforts of multiple people in multiple places to be successful. Join Rose Gerber and Caregiver Action Network CEO John Schall to learn how to care for those most affected by a loved one’s diagnosis: family and friends.
  • Get to Know Your Oncology Care Team: Oncology Social Workers

    November 10, 2021 12:00 pm

    Abra Kelson, LICSW, OSW-C

    The November COA Patient Advocacy Network (CPAN) Chat shines a light on the role of social workers. On November 10 at 12 p.m. ET, Abra Kelson, LICSW, OSW-C, of Northwest Medical Specialties joined Rose Gerber of COA to discuss the daily life of a social worker and how you can better take advantage of all the resources your care provider’s social workers have to offer. Abra and Rose also covered the expanded role of social workers during COVID, how social workers interact with patient advocacy and support organizations, and what you can expect when talking to a social worker about your mental health or emotional needs.
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    October 13, 2021 12:00 pm

    Stacy Lewis

    On October 13 at 12 p.m. ET, Rose Gerber, COA's director of patient advocacy and education, and Stacy Lewis, the chief program officer and deputy chief executive of the Young Survival Coalition, discussed Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the challenge of reaching populations who need help but may not know where to get it.
  • Getting Involved with the Time to Screen Campaign

    September 8, 2021 12:00 pm

    Nick Ferreyros

    Community oncologists across the nation and Patti LaBelle have one thing in common: they want YOU to get screened for cancer. The Time to Screen campaign is in full swing, and the Godmother of Soul is asking adults in the U.S. to reschedule those missed or canceled screenings due to COVID-19. How can you take part? COA Director of Communications Nicolas Ferreyros joined COA Director of Patient Advocacy and Education Rose Gerber to discuss updates and new tools advocates can use to spread the word.
  • Get To Know your Oncology Care Team: Oncology Nurses

    August 11, 2021 12:00 pm

    Brenda McGarr, RN

    On August 11, 2021, Advocacy Chat members took a look inside the care process and gained an appreciation for the hard work these professionals put in to deliver excellent care to their patients.