Our Advocates & Their Stories

Millions of people are diagnosed with cancer every year, and every patient has a story to tell.

Here you will find REAL stories from patients treated in the community oncology setting that particularly inspired us.

Hopefully, they will inspire you too.

Bladder Cancer

Bone Marrow Cancer

Breast Cancer

  • I am one of the lucky ones. My tumor was suspected and confirmed through the efforts of my trusted gynecologist, whom I had been seeing for decades. Small tumor, stage one…best case scenario. I was directed to Northwest Georgia Oncology Center In Kennesaw Georgia. I can still hear my doctor’s .....

  • My oncology story started on March 2, 2012 when I returned for a 6 month follow-up mammogram after clustered calcifications had been identified at my annual mammogram in October of 2011. This mammogram was followed by a core needle biopsy, MRIs and a diagnosis of Stage II breast cancer. On .....

  • In 2017 my husband was diagnosed with squamous cell head and neck cancer. I spent months learning about his type of cancer, advocating for him, and educating community groups about head and neck cancer. In late summer of 2019, his doctor found his cancer spread to his lungs, lymph nodes, .....


Colon Cancer

Esophageal Cancer

Lung Cancer


Multiple Cancers

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

  • The biopsy through my lung revealed diffuse large B cell lymphoma.  Night sweats, weight loss, and a non-productive cough…it all made sense to the oncologist, but not to me. Why me? Why now? I was anxious to get started on chemotherapy to send the alien packing. Nausea, hair loss, and .....

  • I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma (FL) in late 1997. I had been traveling internationally for business and noticed a very small pimple-like structure on my right temple, and thought, “as soon as I get back to the States, I will have it taken care of.” After going to a .....

Ovarian Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Rectal Cancer