Our Advocates & Their Stories

Millions of people are diagnosed with cancer every year, and every patient has a story to tell.

Here you will find REAL stories from patients treated in the community oncology setting that particularly inspired us.

Hopefully, they will inspire you too.

Bladder Cancer

Bone Marrow Cancer

Breast Cancer

  • CONGRATULATIONS TO MY ONCOLOGIST AND FRIEND DR. JUSTIN FAVARO, MD, PhD. FOR RECEIVING THE 2017 PINK TIE GUYS RECOGNITION! Dr. Justin Favaro hasn’t just been my oncologist for 8.5 years but he’s also my friend. He has been my oncologist since August 4, 2008. I had a recurrence of breast .....

  • My cell phone rang as I sat in the school pickup line. I had to get my daughter her flu shot, dinner, drop her off at gymnastics and then get her to her ball game in the next two hours. The lady on the phone said that I had to .....

  • Stage two invasive ductal carcinoma was diagnosed in December 2009. I became involved in advocacy work right after my surgery after realizing the importance of support in every direction. Now I find myself leaving Georgia after 25 years, and heading home to Florida where I was born and raised. I .....


Colon Cancer

Esophageal Cancer

Lung Cancer


Multiple Cancers

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

Ovarian Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Rectal Cancer