Our Advocates & Their Stories

Millions of people are diagnosed with cancer every year, and every patient has a story to tell.

Here you will find REAL stories from patients treated in the community oncology setting that particularly inspired us.

Hopefully, they will inspire you too.

Bladder Cancer

Bone Marrow Cancer

Breast Cancer

  • My pre-biopsy diagnosis differed from the actual diagnosis of Stage II Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC). The lymph nodes tested positive, so I had a double mastectomy and sought approval for a clinical trial. The trial at Hematology Oncology Associates of Central NY (HOACNY) was denied, requiring that I travel to .....

  • I never expected to hear the words, "you have cancer," but I definitely knew what to expect after hearing those words. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2016. I had a double mastectomy & learned soon after that chemotherapy was recommended for me due to the aggressiveness of .....

  • I have been a patient at Queens Medical Associates (QMA) since 2010 when I was first diagnosed with stage 3, Her 2 Neu, estrogen-driven breast cancer which spread to the lymph nodes under my left arm. The care I received allowed me to thrive during my year of treatment and .....


Colon Cancer

Esophageal Cancer

Lung Cancer


Multiple Cancers

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

Ovarian Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Rectal Cancer