Gigi G.

Breast Cancer

My surgeon referred me, a 73-year-old, in fair health to only Dr. Mark Thompson at Zangmeister Cancer Center in Columbus, Ohio, in September 2014 for my Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC). Dr. Thompson told me how rare and aggressive IBC is. We began 6 aggressive chemo treatments in Oct. 2014 but suffered side effects from the Neulasta injection and Pejeta – hospitalized for 5 days but continued 2nd infusion Nov and finished the last 5 aggressive infusions w/o Pejeta and no more Neulasta. Following up with Herceptin every 3-4 weeks until Jan. 2016.

I chose Zangmeister Cancer Center as my Hospital based insurance has contracted with the ZCC is my understanding. My experience was outstanding – great staff – good training to accommodate patients plus a comfortable facility. I am registered with my hospital Palliative Care. I live alone for over 35 years and as Dr. Thompson will verify – very independent!!!

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